This study presents the results of in-vitro and clinical experiences with metallic implants during MRT investigations. In-vitro temperature measurements of various implants showed little temperature rise depending on the shape and the orientation in the static magnetic field (max. 0.3 degrees C). Ferromagnetic forces could not be detected with these implants. In contrast, severe temperature increase (9.4 degrees C) was observed with an intratracheal spiral tube. Tubes of this type should not be used in MR imaging to avoid the risk of burning. 105 MR examinations were performed in patients with metallic implants (CNS shunts, aortocoronary bypass grafts, aortic-, mitral-prosthesis, orthopedic implants, skin staples, shrapnels). Patients with vascular clips were accepted for MR imaging when the clips were non-ferromagnetic only. No adverse effects were observed in these patients.