While the significance of large cervical node metastases in patients with head and neck squamous carcinomas is well established, the import of a finding of regional nodal micrometastases (where a micrometastasis is defined as a metastatic deposit greater than 0.2 mm and not greater than 2.0 mm in greatest dimension) or isolated tumor cells in those patients is less clearly understood. Some earlier investigators have suggested that finding micrometastases does not have an impact on prognosis; some later investigators, however, have taken issue with this position, arguing that finding either micrometastases or isolated tumor cells might portend a poorer prognosis for head and neck cancer patients. At this juncture, it is difficult to advance a single recommendation for handling a finding of micrometastases or isolated tumor cells. It would be helpful if two courses of action were followed: first, while the detection of micrometastases and isolated tumor cells remains an investigatory practice, data should be collected and analyzed with an eye to discerning whether such findings are indeed of significance to the individual head and neck cancer patient. Second, rigorous definitions of micrometastases and isolated tumor cells (such as the definitions suggested here) should be developed and widely employed so as to permit ready comparison between the results as they are reported by different investigators.