Lysyl oxidase (LOX) is a potent chemokine inducing the migration of varied cell types. Here we demonstrate that inhibition of LOX activity by beta-aminopropionitrile (BAPN) in cultured rat aortic smooth muscle cells (SMCs) reduced the chemotactic response and sensitivity of these cells toward LOX and toward PDGF-BB. The chemotactic activity of PDGF-BB was significantly enhanced in the presence of a non-chemotactic concentration of LOX. We considered the possibility that extracellular LOX may oxidize cell surface proteins, including the PDGF receptor-beta (PDGFR-beta), to affect PDGF-BB-induced chemotaxis. Plasma membranes purified from control SMC contained oxidized PDGFR-beta. The oxidation of this receptor and other membrane proteins was largely prevented in cells preincubated with BAPN. Addition of purified LOX to these cells restored the profile of oxidized proteins toward that of control cells. The high affinity and capacity for the binding of PDGF-BB by cells containing oxidized PDGFR-beta was diminished by approximately 2-fold when compared with cells in which oxidation by LOX was prevented by BAPN. Phosphorylated members of the PDGFR-beta-dependent signal transduction pathway, including PDGFR-beta, SHP2, AKT1, and ERK1/ERK2 (p44/42 MAPK), turned over faster in BAPN-treated than in control SMCs. LOX knock-out mouse embryonic fibroblasts mirrored the effect obtained with SMCs treated with BAPN. These novel findings suggest that LOX activity is essential to generate optimal chemotactic sensitivity of cells to chemoattractants by oxidizing specific cell surface proteins, such as PDGFR-beta.