Studies that have assessed regeneration of corticospinal tract (CST) axons in mice after genetic modifications or other treatments have tacitly assumed that there is little if any regeneration of CST axons in normal mice in the absence of some intervention. Here, we document a previously unrecognized capability for regenerative growth of CST axons in normal mice that involves growth past the lesion via the ventral column. Mice received dorsal hemisection injuries at thoracic level 6-7, which completely transect descending CST axons in the dorsal and dorsolateral column. Corticospinal projections were traced by injecting biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) into the sensorimotor cortex of one hemisphere either at the time of the injury or 4 weeks after injury, and mice were killed at 20-23 or 46 d after injury. At 20-23 d after injury, BDA-labeled CST axons did not extend past the lesion except in one animal. By 46 d after injury, however, a novel population of BDA-labeled CST axons could be seen extending from the gray matter rostral to the injury into the ventral column, past the lesion, and then back into the gray matter caudal to the injury in which they formed elaborate terminal arbors. The number of axons with this highly unusual trajectory was small ( approximately 1% of the total number of labeled CST axons rostral to the injury). The BDA-labeled axons in the ventral column were on the same side as the main tract and thus are not spared ventral CST axons (which would be contralateral to the main tract). These results indicate that normal mice have a capacity for CST regeneration that has not been appreciated previously, which has important implications in studying the effect of genetic or pharmacological manipulations on CST regeneration in mice.