The inherent complexity of biomedical systems is well recognized; they are multiscale, multiscience systems, bridging a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. While the importance of multiscale modelling in this context is increasingly recognized, there is little underpinning literature on the methodology and generic description of the process. The COAST (complex autonoma simulation technique) project aims to address this by developing a multiscale, multiscience framework, coined complex autonoma (CxA), based on a hierarchical aggregation of coupled cellular automata (CA) and agent-based models (ABMs). The key tenet of COAST is that a multiscale system can be decomposed into N single-scale CA or ABMs that mutually interact across the scales. Decomposition is facilitated by building a scale separation map on which each single-scale system is represented according to its spatial and temporal characteristics. Processes having well-separated scales are thus easily identified as the components of the multiscale model. This paper focuses on methodology, introduces the concept of the CxA and demonstrates its use in the generation of a multiscale model of the physical and biological processes implicated in a challenging and clinically relevant problem, namely coronary artery in-stent restenosis.