Conclusions: This study confirms earlier findings that patients with viable tumour cells in the neck after external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) have a poor prognosis. The study also indicates that neck dissection (ND) does not change the prognosis for patients with a complete clinical response in the neck. At the moment our guidelines concerning this matter are being reviewed.
Objectives: The protocol at our institution stipulates a planned ND in patients with metastasis in the neck after EBRT regardless of the response in the neck. As the necessity for a planned ND has not been clarified we wanted to evaluate our results.
Patients and methods: Patients diagnosed from 1998 to 2002 with metastasis in the neck who received EBRT were evaluated for histopathological findings and clinical outcome.
Results: A total of 156 patients were included. Overall survival was 62% and disease-specific survival was 76%. There was a complete response (CR) in the neck in 63 patients (40%); among these 15 had viable tumour cells in the neck. In patients not achieving CR, 40% (37/93) had viable tumour cells left in the neck. Patients with viable tumour cells in the neck after EBRT had disease-specific survival of 48% compared with 90% among patients without viable tumour cells.