Within the past four decades, the efforts of investigators worldwide have established the amino acid homocysteine (Hcy) as an important factor in arteriosclerosis and ageing. The amino acid homocysteine is a unique candidate for the study of different age-related pathological conditions, namely vascular diseases, dementia disorders and late-life depression, due to its multiple roles in different pathways leading to atherosclerosis and neurotoxicity. Especially, the role of homocysteine in predicting risk for atherothrombotic vascular disease has been evaluated in several observational studies in a large number of patients. These studies show that the overall risk for vascular disease is small, with prospective, longitudinal studies reporting a weaker association between homocysteine and atherothrombotic vascular disease compared to retrospective case-control and cross-sectional studies. Furthermore, randomised controlled trials of homocysteine-lowering therapy have failed to prove a causal relationship. On the basis of these results, there is currently insufficient evidence to recommend routine screening and treatment of elevated homocysteine concentrations with folic acid and other vitamins to prevent atherothrombotic vascular disease.