Partial trisomy of the distal third of the long arm of chromosome 10 is a well defined but rare syndrome. Most cases result from an unbalanced translocation. Growth retardation, developmental delay and characteristic dysmorphic features are well described in the syndrome. This report includes 2 Egyptian cases with partial 10q trisomy involving different breakpoints. Cases were subjected to full clinical examination and detailed cytogenetic analysis using conventional and FISH studies. Results showed that the karyotype of case 1 was 46,XX,der(7)t(7;10)(p22;q23).ish(wcp7+;wcpl0+) and the karyotype of case 2 was 46,XX,der(7)t(7;10)(p22;q25).ish(wcp7+;wcp 10+). The chromosomal abnormalities in case 1 resulted from a paternal balanced translocation while case 2 resulted from a maternal balanced translocation involving chromosomes 10 and 7 in both cases. The probands' phenotypes were correlated to the breakpoints and compared to previously reported cases with partial trisomy 10q. Both cases had the well characterized phenotype of the distal trisomy of 10q in the form of mental retardation, microcephaly, characteristic dysmorphic facies and limb anomalies as trisomy in both cases involved the 10q25-->qter region. However, case 1 with 10q23-->qter duplication showed more severe clinical manifestations than case 2 with less extensive 10q25-->qter trisomy. These included severe failure to thrive, cardiac involvement and death from respiratory and heart failure. This study confirmed that unbalanced chromosome regions of the long arm of chromosome 10 play an important role in developmental malformations and that a more severe form is associated with involvement of 10q23. It also emphasizes the importance of increasing public awareness regarding these chromosomal rearrangements and the importance of genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis to avoid recurrences and associated family stress. This was clearly demonstrated in the second family in this study as the couple refused any follow up or further investigations due to religious beliefs despite their social and educational level.