The FecB gene of Garole was introgressed into non-prolific Malpura sheep. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of FecB genotypes on cumulative lifetime (three lamb crops) litter size (CLS), cumulative number of weaned lambs (CWL) and cumulative ewe's productivity efficiency (CEPE) in 51 Garole x Malpura (GM) crossbred sheep. The GM ewes of F(1) were selected and screened for FecB mutation using forced RFLP-PCR technique. The majority (78.4%) of F(1) GM individuals were carriers (FecB(B+)) for the FecB mutation. In first parity 55% FecB(B+) ewes gave births to multiple lambs. The FecB genotypes were significantly (P<0.01) associated with the CLS and CWL. The FecB(B+) ewes resulted in 65.6 and 62.1% higher CLS and CWL, respectively compared to non-carriers. The CEPE was also affected significantly by the FecB genotypes at birth, weaning, 6 and 12 months of age. The FecB(B+) ewes weaned 20.9% higher total litter weight as compared to FecB++ ewes and at 12 months age the difference was 43.5% in favor of B+ ewes. The study indicated that the CLS, CWL and CEPE of carrier ewes (FecB(B+)) were comparatively higher than that of non-carriers (FecB++).