A total of 28 males aged 20-46 years with chronic abacterial prostatitis (CAP) were divided into two groups. Group 1 patients received standard therapy (prostatotropic, vitamin, antioxidant); group 2 received the same standard treatment plus peloid therapy including silver-containing clay "Bekhtemirskaya". Eleven males with documented fertility (sperm donors) comprised a control group. The participants of the trial were examined for ejaculate indices, activity of the antioxidant system, ion composition of ejaculate, prostatic microcirculation before the treatment, on treatment day 14 and 90. The examination revealed the following disorders in CAP patients: low activity of anti-oxidant enzymes, abnormal static microcirculation, low content of normal spermatozoa in ejaculate. Complex rehabilitation of the patients of both groups improved prostatic microcirculation, raised activity of the antioxidant system resulting in better mobility and viability of spermatozoa. In group 2 the results were better showing the efficacy of local peloid therapy.