Background and purpose: Clinical application of continuous autoregulation monitoring would benefit from a comparison of curves generated by online monitoring with standard autoregulation curves in animal models. We characterized the accuracy of 3 continuous monitors of autoregulation in a piglet model of hypotension.
Methods: Piglets 5 to10 days old with intracranial pressure (ICP) at naïve or elevated (20 mm Hg) levels had gradual arterial hypotension induced by a balloon catheter in the inferior vena cava. Elevated ICP was maintained by a continuous infusion of artificial cerebrospinal fluid. Three indices of autoregulation were simultaneously and continuously calculated. A moving, linear Pearson's coefficient between spontaneous slow waves of cerebral perfusion pressure and slow waves of laser-Doppler flux or cortical oxygenation rendered the laser-Doppler index and cerebral-oximetry index, respectively. Similar correlation between slow waves of arterial blood pressure and ICP rendered the pressure-reactivity index. The lower limit of autoregulation was determined directly for each animal by plotting laser-Doppler cortical red blood cell flux as a function of cerebral perfusion pressure. Receiver-operator characteristics were determined for the 3 indices.
Results: The areas under the receiver-operator characteristics curves for discriminating the individual lower limit of autoregulation at low and high ICP were 0.89 and 0.85 for the laser-Doppler index, 0.89 and 0.84 for the cerebral-oximetry index, and 0.79 and 0.79 for the pressure-reactivity index. The pressure-reactivity index performed equally well at low and high ICPs.
Conclusions: Continuous monitoring of autoregulation by spontaneous slow waves of cerebral perfusion pressure can accurately detect loss of autoregulation due to hypotension in piglets by all 3 modalities.