Background: Living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) represents an important therapeutic option for patients with end-stage liver disease (ESLD). It has been reported that steatosis may be a serious problem in patients who donate a part of their liver. Liver biopsy represents an accepted method to assess the rate of steatosis and the possible risk to the donor. Nonetheless, some histological abnormalities have been documented in the specimens from potential donors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible hepatic histological alterations among apparently healthy candidates for liver donation who did not show serological or ultrasound (US) evidence.
Materials and methods: From January 1, 2005 until October 15, 2006, we performed virological, biochemical, and tumor marker evaluations and liver biopsies on 20 LDLT donor candidates. At histological evaluation we classified the evidence of steatosis (5%-10% or 10%-20%), fibrosis (absent or 1-3 portal space), inflammation, iron deposition, biliary neoductulation, and portal vein vascular alterations.
Results: Among the 20 subjects, serological markers did not show any pathological alterations. At liver biopsy we found: steatosis (5%-10%) in 6 individuals (about 30%) with 1 ranging from 10% to 20%; iron deposition in 4 (20%); biliary neoductulation in 3 (about 16%); fibrosis in 4 (20%); inflammation in 5 (25%); and portal vein dilatation in 10 (50%).
Conclusions: Our data showed that apparently healthy individuals who did not display serological markers or US evidence of pathology had liver histological abnormalities. This result suggested that in absence of clinical or laboratory alterations, liver biopsy may represent a useful diagnostic tool for living donor candidates. Long-term follow-up results for the laboratory data among those patients should be performed even though they were not qualified for LDLT.