The 1H and 15N resonances of uniformly enriched apocytochrome b562 (106 residues) have been assigned. The assignment work began with the identification of the majority of HN-H alpha-H beta subspin systems in two-dimensional DQF-COSY and TOCSY spectra of unlabeled protein in D2O and in 95% H2O/5% D2O buffer. Intraresidue and interresidue NOE connectivities were then searched for in two-dimensional homonuclear NOESY spectra recorded on unlabeled protein and in the three-dimensional NOESY-HMQC spectrum recorded on uniformly 15N-enriched protein. Those data, combined with the main-chain-directed assignment strategy (MCD), led to the assignment of the main-chain and many side-chain resonances of 103 of the 106 residues. Qualitatively, the helical conformation is found to be the dominant secondary structure in apocytochrome b562 as it is in holocytochrome b562. The helical segments in apocytochrome b562 overlap extensively with the helical regions defined in the crystal structure of ferricytochrome b562. In addition, a number of tertiary NOEs have been identified which indicate that the global fold of the apoprotein at least partially resembles the four-helix bundle of the holoprotein. The results presented here, together with the evidence obtained with other methods [Feng and Sligar (1991) Biochemistry (submitted)], support the notion that the interior of the protein is fluid and may correspond to a molten globule state.