Systemic infections are often associated with neurodegenerative processes in many diseases of the central nervous system (CNS), including Parkinson's disease. Toll-like receptor (TLR)4 and CD14 act as receptors for lipopolysaccharide (LPS) released by gram-negative bacteria. In this contest, CD14 functions as the main LPS ligand and TLR4 transmits the LPS signal into the cell. In this paper, we investigated the expression of TLR4 and CD14, in different anatomical areas of the CNS, in an experimental model of Parkinson's-like disease, represented by MPTP-treated mouse. In particular, we analyzed the gene transcripts and proteins expression of CD14 and TLR4, in the substantia nigra and caudate-putamen nuclei of these animals. Results demonstrated an augmented expression of both CD14 and TLR4 in the substantia nigra of mice treated with MPTP in comparison to untreated animals, suggesting that the endotoxin receptors are over expressed in different manner in specific areas of the CNS during Parkinson's-like disease.