Site-specific addition of D(2)O to the (H(2)O)(6)(-) "hydrated electron" cluster: isomer interconversion and substitution at the double H-bond acceptor (AA) electron-binding site

Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2008 Jun 7;10(21):3118-23. doi: 10.1039/b801372a. Epub 2008 Apr 10.


We report the results of an experimental study designed to establish whether, once formed, one of the isomer classes of the hydrated electron clusters, (H(2)O)(n)(-), can interconvert with others when a water molecule is added by condensation. This is accomplished in an Ar-cluster mediated approach where a single intact D(2)O molecule is collisionally incorporated into argon-solvated water hexamer anions, creating the isotopically labeled D(2)O.(H(2)O)(6)(-).Ar(n) heptamer anion. Photoelectron and infrared predissociation spectroscopies are employed both to characterize the isomers generated in the condensation event and to track the position that the D(2)O label adopts within these isomeric structures. Despite the fact that the water hexamer anion precursor clusters initially exist in the isomer I form, incorporation of D(2)O produces mostly isomers I' and II in the labeled heptamer, which bind the electron more (I') or less (II) strongly than does the isomer I class. Isomers I and I' are known to feature electron binding primarily onto a single water molecule that resides in an AA (A = H-bond acceptor) site in the network. Surprisingly, the D(2)O molecule can displace this special electron-binding H(2)O molecule such that the anionic cluster retains the high binding arrangement. In the more weakly binding isomer II clusters, the D(2)O molecule fractionates preferentially to sites that give rise to the vibrational signature of isomer II.