Restorative medicine has a constant need for improved scaffold materials. Degradable biopolymers often suffer from uncontrolled chemical or enzymatic hydrolysis by the host. The need for a second surgery on the other hand is a major drawback for nondegradable scaffold materials. In this paper we report the design and synthesis of a novel polysialic acid-based hydrogel with promising properties. Hydrogel synthesis was optimized and enzymatic degradation was studied using a phage-born endosialidase. After addition of endosialidase, hydrogels readily degraded depending on the amount of initially used cross-linker within 2 to 11 days. This polysialic acid hydrogel is not cytotoxic, completely stable under physiological conditions, and could be evaluated as growth support for PC12 cells. Here, additional coating with collagen I, poly-L-lysine or matrigel is mandatory to improve the properties of the material.