Background: Our goal was to determine the upgrade rate for lesions described as focal atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) after 9- or 11-gauge stereotactic vacuum-assisted breast biopsy (VABB) to determine whether surgical excision is indicated in this setting.
Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the results of 991 consecutive 9- or 11-gauge stereotactic core VABB procedures from February 2001 through June 2006 and identified lesions diagnosed as ADH. On the basis of the descriptions in pathology reports each lesion was placed in one of three categories: (1) focal ADH, (2) ADH suspicious for ductal carcinoma-in-situ, or (3) ADH not otherwise specified. The final diagnosis after surgical excisional biopsy was determined from medical records. The frequencies and upgrade rates to carcinoma were calculated and compared for all lesions and for each ADH category.
Results: A total of 141 (14.2%) of 991 lesions yielded ADH at stereotactic core VABB, and 123 (87.2%) of 141 underwent surgical excisional biopsy of the stereotactic core VABB site. A total of 56 (45.5%) of 123 were categorized as focal ADH, and 7 (12.5%) of 56 were upgraded to carcinoma. A total of 49 (39.8%) of 123 were categorized as ADH not otherwise specified, and 11 (22.4%) of 49 were upgraded. Eighteen (14.6%) of 123 were categorized as suspicious for ductal carcinoma-in-situ, and 8 (44.4%) of 18 were upgraded. Neither the frequency of ADH (P = .66) nor the upgrade rates (P = .87) were significantly different between 9- and 11-gauge VABB.
Conclusion: Surgical excisional biopsy is indicated to exclude carcinoma in cases of focal ADH discovered at 9- or 11-gauge VABB.