An economic evaluation of universal varicella vaccination in Italy was performed to assess the potential clinical and economic effects of three different strategies versus no vaccination. By means of the EVITA model, vaccination with two doses in toddlers only (1-1.5 years), adolescents only (13 years) and toddlers with adolescents catch-up programmes were simulated. All universal varicella vaccination strategies including toddlers (with or without an adolescent catch-up programme) turned out to be highly effective in reducing the burden of disease due to varicella. In addition, they lead to significant net savings from the societal perspective but to higher costs compared to return of investment from National Health Service perspective. The huge economic burden of hospitalised uncomplicated varicella cases registered in Italy can partially explain these highly beneficial findings for the societal perspective. Overall, our analysis confirmed the favourable clinical and economic impact of routine varicella vaccination with two doses of vaccine in Italy.