We determined whether embryos derived from C.B-17/Icr-Prkdc(scid) (SCID) mice infected with mouse parvovirus (MPV) 1b and mated to MPV-naive B6C3F1 mice would transmit virus to naive recipient female mice and rederived progeny. Viral DNA was detected by quantitative PCR (qPCR) in lymphoid tissues, gonad, sperm, and feces of all MPV1b-inoculated SCID mice. Viral DNA was detected in 1 of 16 aliquots of embryos from infected male SCID mice and in 12 of 18 aliquots of embryos from infected female SCID mice. All recipient female mice implanted with embryos from infected SCID male mice and their progeny were negative by serology and qPCR. In contrast, 3 of 5 recipient female mice implanted with embryos from infected SCID female mice and 14 of 15 progeny mice from these recipients were seropositive by multiplex fluorescent immunoassay (MFI) for MPV capsid antigen (rVP2). All of these mice were negative by MFI for parvovirus nonstructural protein antigen (rNS1) and by qPCR, with the exception of 1 recipient female mouse that displayed weak rNS1 seroreactivity and low levels of MPV DNA in lymphoid tissues. Seroreactivity to rVP2 declined over time in all progeny mice from infected SCID female mice until all were seronegative by 20 wk of age, consistent with maternal antibody transfer. Given that the high levels of MPV contamination detected in our experimentally infected SCID mice are unlikely in naturally infected immunocompetent mice, these data indicate that embryo transfer rederivation is effective for the eradication of MPV from infected colonies.