Trisomy 8 is one of the most frequent numerical chromosomal abnormalities observed in hematological malignancies, whereas tetrasomy 8 is a clonal aberration seen mainly in myeloid disorders such as acute myelod leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndromes. In contrast to trisomy 8, tetrasomy 8 is a rare chromosomal aberration, in that only 17 reported AML cases with isolated tetrasomy 8 have been documented. Interestingly, the majority of reported cases were associated with monocytic-lineage leukemias. According to recent reports, tetrasomy 8 is regarded as a poor prognostic factor, and most patients having this abnormality relapsed and died within 1 yr. Here, we report a patient with acute monoblastic leukemia having tetrasomy 8 and a very aggressive disease course.