Amphibians have been used since the 19th century as vertebrate models for the experimentalist. Since 50 years or so, Xenopus laevis is the most widely used anuran amphibian research organism. However, because it is a pseudo-tetraploid species, its genetics has been lagging behind. Contemporary studies shift their focus to the only Xenopus species known to be diploid, the small African tropical clawed frog Xenopus tropicalis. A complete genome project is undertaken, with genetic and physical mapping going alongside cDNA and genome sequencing. Currently, X. tropicalis is the most distantly related vertebrate species to humans that still exhibits long-range synteny. Much of amphibian genetics can be learned from this genomic undertaking, and could shed light on fascinating biological processes such as embryogenesis, regeneration and metamorphosis. Moreover, Xenopus species are exciting models for the study of gene duplication because new species can evolve through allopolyploidization, a type of genome duplication that can result from hybridization among species. The current genomic resources for Xenopus briefly described here, combined with the practical experimental advantages of this non-mammalian vertebrate model, make it ideally suited for systematic functional genomic studies.