The purpose of this study is to propose four-dimensional digital tomosynthesis (4D-DTS) for on-board analysis of motion information in three dimensions. Images of a dynamic motion phantom were reconstructed using acquisition scan angles ranging from 20 degrees (DTS) to full 360 degrees cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Projection images were acquired using an on-board imager mounted on a clinical linear accelerator. Three-dimensional (3D) images of the moving target were reconstructed for various scan angles. 3D respiratory correlated phase images were also reconstructed. For phase-based image reconstructions, the trajectory of a radiopaque marker was tracked in projection space and used to retrospectively assign respiratory phases to projections. The projections were then sorted according phase and used to reconstruct motion correlated images. By using two sets of projections centered about anterior-posterior and lateral axes, this study demonstrates how phase resolved coronal and sagittal DTS images can be used to obtain 3D motion information. Motion artifacts in 4D-DTS phase images are compared with those present in four-dimensional CT (4DCT) images. Due to the nature of data acquisition for the two modalities, superior-inferior motion artifacts are suppressed to a greater extent in 4D-DTS images compared with 4DCT. Theoretical derivations and experimental results are presented to demonstrate how optimal selection of image acquisition parameters including the frequency of projection acquisition and the phase window depend on the respiratory period. Two methods for acquiring projections are discussed. Preliminary results indicate that 4D-DTS can be used to acquire valuable kinetic information of internal anatomy just prior to radiation treatment.