Glanzmann thrombasthenia (GT) is a recessively inherited bleeding disorder caused by the quantitative or qualitative deficiency of the platelet fibrinogen receptor, integrin alphaIIbbeta3. The N-terminal domain of the alphaIIb subunit is folded in a beta-propeller that plays the role of binding fibrinogen and associating with the ligand-binding region of beta3. Analysing the mutations of Italian GT patients we found that a patient had a alphaIIb G236E missense substitution that substitutes a glycine from the highly conserved PhiPhiGPhi motif of blade 4 of the beta-propeller. To verify experimentally the effect of the substitution of glycine 236 human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells were transfected with normal or mutated alphaIIb in conjunction with normal beta3. Using flow cytometry analysis we found the percentage of HEK cells transfected with alphaIIbG236Ebeta3 that reacted with anti alphaIIbbeta3 was very low. In HEK cells transfected with either alphaIIbbeta3 or alphaIIbG236Ebeta3 and lysed, when immunoblotting was done in non-reducing conditions a band reacting with an antibody against alphaIIb was present in both lysates, although less intense in cells transfected with alphaIIbG236Ebeta3. In reducing condition alphaIIb from cells transfected with alphaIIbbeta3 was nearly all mature, while in cells transfected with alphaIIbG236Ebeta3 the ratio pro-alphaIIb: alphaIIb was 1 : 1, with signs of degradation of the mutated protein. Cell lysates were then immunoprecipitated with antibodies against alphaIIb and immunoblotted with an antibody reacting with beta3. While in immunoblots from cells transfected with alphaIIbbeta3 a band corresponding to beta3 was strongly detectable, in immunoblots originating from cells transfected with alphaIIbG236Ebeta3 no band at the same level of normal beta3 was detected. Immunofluorescence studies showed accumulation of alphaIIbG236Ebeta3 in the endoplasmic reticulum and minimal transport to the Golgi. In conclusion we demonstrated that the alphaIIbG236E mutation causes GT by impairing the association with beta3 during biogenesis of the receptor.