Vasospasm is the principal cause of a poor outcome in patients with SAH. The aim of the study is to establish the effect of the therapeutic modalities on vasospasm, to establish morbidity and mortality of patients with SAH, as well as the causes of the poor outcome. The study is prospective and analyzes 192 patients treated at C ward of the INH KCS. Vasospasm incidence was 22.40%. Therapeutic modalities depended on prescribed quantities of colloid solutions and MgSO4 solution. Differences in the vasospasm incidence between the groups were not significant, the reason probably being that the maximal doses of colloid solutions were prescribed mostly to the higher graded patients. In patients who received MgSO4 vasospasm was less frequent, but not statistically significant (11.11% vs. 23.56%) Of 192 patients, 78.1% completely recovered, 9.9% had a certain degree of invalidity, and 12.0% did not survive. The most frequent cause of death was vasospasm (41.67%) and then general medical complications (20.93%).