Cellular transplantation in the form of bone marrow has been one of the primary treatments of many lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs). Although bone marrow transplantation can help central nervous system manifestations in some cases, it has little impact in many LSD patients. Canine models of neurogenetic LSDs provide the opportunity for modeling central nervous system transplantation strategies in brains that more closely approximate the size and architectural complexity of the brains of children. Canine olfactory bulb-derived neural progenitor cells (NPCs) isolated from dog brains were expanded ex vivo and implanted into the caudate nucleus/thalamus or cortex of allogeneic dogs. Canine olfactory bulb-derived NPCs labeled with micron-sized superparamagnetic iron oxide particles were detected by magnetic resonance imaging both in vivo and postmortem. Grafts expressed markers of NPCs (i.e. nestin and glial fibrillary acidic protein), but not the neuronal markers Map2ab or beta-tubulin III. The NPCs were from dogs with the LSD mucopolysaccharidosis VII, which is caused by a deficiency of beta-glucuronidase. When mucopolysaccharidosis VII canine olfactory bulb-NPCs that were genetically corrected with a lentivirus vector ex vivo were transplanted into mucopolysaccharidosis VII recipient brains, they were detected histologically by beta-glucuronidase expression in areas identified by antemortem magnetic resonance imaging tracking. These results demonstrate the potential for ex vivo stem cell-based gene therapy and noninvasive tracking of therapeutic grafts in vivo.