In recent times, the analysis of the peptidome has become increasingly valuable to gain a better understanding of the critical roles native peptides play in biological processes. Here, we show a technique using a novel electrophoretic device named MF10, for the fractionation of proteins and peptides based on size and also pH in low volume liquid phase under an electric field. A 1 microM, 7-protein and peptide standard mix ranging from 1 to 25 kDa has been used to show peptide migration into a fraction contained by 1-5 kDa membranes. Simultaneous fractionation of the higher mass protein standards to the correct fraction also occurred. To assess the MF10's ability to fractionate more complex samples, human plasma was used to enrich for the peptidome below 5 kDa in the presence of the proteome. Peptide enrichment was achieved while simultaneously fractionating higher mass proteins to three other mass restricted fractions. The utility of this approach is demonstrated with the identification (with at least 2 ppm mass accuracy) of 76 unique peptides, equating to 22 proteins enriched to the 1-5 kDa fraction of the MF10.