The sensed presence of a 'Sentient Being' has been hypothesized to be the transient awareness of the right hemispheric equivalent of the left hemispheric sense of self. When the clinical context is supportive for the expression of anomalous cognition, the experience is reported frequently by patients who display complex partial epileptic-like symptoms and signs following a mild closed head injury. This article describes a patient with a history of presences subsequent to a 'mild' closed head injury who reported strong experiences during an electroencephalographic screening within a very quiet and darkened setting at the end of a day of neuropsychological assessments. The right-sided presence was preceded by the sensation of an 'electric shock' through the right hand and then both hands. Whole body 'icy coldness' and then vibrations 'moved' through her entire body. The experiences were concomitant with paroxysmal irregular 4-5-Hz activity over the temporal lobes. This case illustrates that many sensed presences might be similar to 'epileptic auras' for patients who also display elevated complex partial epileptic-like experiences following closed head injuries and that close attention to typically ignored electroencephalographic 'transients' may be helpful indicators.