Filariasis is a common disabling parasitic disease in this region and cytological diagnosis is often not required. Cytology has important role in diagnosis of sub-clinical filariasis. Most cases of cytologically diagnosed filariasis are clinically unanticipated. Microfilaria, ova and fragments of adult worm of Wuchereria bancrofti, in exfoliative as well as aspiration cytology have been reported and are useful in cytological detection of bancroftian filariasis. Microfilaria is frequently detected in association with neoplasm, although the role in tumorogenesis is controversial. The objective of the study was to investigate importance of cytology in diagnosis of filariasis in lesions clinically anticipated to be of neoplastic and to review the cytomorphology of bancroftian filaria and its association with neoplasm. This is a retrospective study carried out in cytology department of Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital. 14 cases of cytological specimen out of 4291 (0.3%) showed microfilaria; 12 cases were from FNAC from different sites and 2 cases were from pleural fluid. 2 cases showed ova in addition to microfilaria and one of them in addition showed fragment of adult worm. Microfilaria in 4 cases of FNAC and one case ofpleural fluid were associated with malignant cells.