Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg (H-RS) cells of classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL) present an impaired expression of immunoglobulin genes, but escape apoptotic death. We investigated whether nitric oxide synthases (NOS) are expressed by H-RS cells, studied their association with EBV status and the expression of apoptotic proteins, and investigated their relationship to the clinical outcome of 171 patients. NOS1 and NOS2 were expressed in a large number of cases, whereas NOS3 expression was not detected. Positive associations were found between NOS1 and p53, bax and NOS2, bcl-2 and NOS2, bax and p53, and between bax and fasL. Inverse correlations were established between EBV and NOS2 and between EBV and bcl-2. A shorter overall survival (OS) was associated with strong expression of NOS2. In conclusion, NOS are expressed by H-RS cells of cHL.