The tongue represents a very accessible source of tissue-specific epithelial stem cells of endodermal origin. However, little is known about the properties of these cells and the mechanisms regulating their proliferation and differentiation. Foxa2, an endodermal marker, is expressed throughout the tongue epithelium during embryonic development but becomes confined to a minority of basal cells and some taste bud sensory cells in the adult tongue. Using a previously described line of transgenic mice in which enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) is expressed under the control of a human keratin 5 promoter region (Krt5-eGFP), we have isolated a subpopulation of cells in the basal epithelial layer of the mouse tongue with a high efficiency of generating holoclones of undifferentiated cells in culture with a feeder layer. Krt5-GFP(hi) cells can both self renew and give rise to differentiated stratified keratinized epithelial cells when cultured on an air-liquid interface.