Objective: To evaluate the triage value of high risk human papilloma virus (hrHPV) detection in the women with abnormal cervical cytology.
Methods: 28,650 women underwent thinprep cell test (TCT) to screen cervical cancer. 694 of the 2433 patients with abnormal cervical cytology were randomly selected to undergo hrHPV HC II test to detect high risk HPV. 275 of these 694 patients received colposcopy and biopsy, 71, 149, and 55 of which were diagnosed as with atypical squamous cell (ASC), low squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL), and high squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) respectively. The triage value of hrHPV detection was analyzed.
Results: Among the 694 patients, the incidence rates of hrHPV infection of those with ASC, LSIL, and HSIL were 68.4% (252/368), 87.6% (219/250), and 93.4% (71/76) respectively. Among the 275 cases who received colposcopy and biopsy the percentages of histopathologic lesion CIN2 in those with ASC, LSIL, and HSIL were 22.5%, 30.2%, and 70.9% respectively. When with CIN2 + as terminal, the sensitivity and specificity of hrHPV test were 93.8% and 23.6% in the ASC group; 93.1% and 10.6% in the LSIL group, and 97.4% and 25.0% in the HSIL group. Histopathologic lesions CIN3 or worse were seen in 7.0% of the patients with ASC, 12.2% of the patients with LSIL, and 36.4% of the patients with HSIL. When with CIN3 + as the terminal the sensitivity and specificity of hrHPV test were 100% and 21.2% in the ASC group; 100% and 10.7% in the LSIL group; and 95.0% and 11.4% in the HSIL group.
Conclusion: hrHPV infection is associated with preinvasive cervical cancer and invasive cervical cancer. hrHPV test is a good triage approach for the patients with ASC, able to decrease about 50% of colposcopic referral. For the patients with LSIL and HSIL, hrHPV test is not an appreciate triage test and immediate colposcopy is recommended.