Aim: Recently, the clinic characterization of the gonadic male function has been put in tight correlation on the pathogenetic level with the main variables forming the condition of metabolic syndrome (MS); probably the serum testosterone (T) concentration in males is to be considered as an additional parameter completely related to the traditional clinical-metabolic findings. Currently the matter of the substitutive hormonal therapy with androgens is apparently influenced by some important unresolved aspects: 1) who really benefits from the T therapy? 2) are the actual dosage methods of T reliable? 3) which vascular and metabolic targets are to be monitored during the T therapy?
Methods: In an analytical longitudinal study, carried out 12 months long on 60 men (average age 58 years, range 54-63 years) affected by metabolic syndrome (MS) and combined hypogonadism late onset (LOH), authors have evaluated the clinical response (androgenic asset, non-invasive hospital monitoring of the arterial pressure, lipidic asset study, body composition and the biologic resistance to the insulinic action) after conventional medical therapy (insulin-sensibilizing and anti-hypertensive) and after substitutive hormonal therapy with testosterone (T) by transdermic way. A group of five patients with MS and LOH, not treated, was used as group of control.
Results: The group of patients treated with T showed a profile of clinical response better than the group of controls.
Conclusions: In conclusion, the seric determination of T is useful to better characterize the dismetabolic patient at the moment of the first level active medical therapy planning on the controls of the main risk factors constituting MS, expressing a potential role of conditioning.