A 63-year-old man presented with recurrent syncopal attacks associated with swallowing and right-sided throat pain. Immediately after admission, he presented a 16-s asystolia. The patient's clinical history was unremarkable except for previous postimplant periodontitis. Several episodes of severe bradycardia and sinus pauses, always associated with painful deglutition, were recorded subsequently. X-ray orthopanthomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the neck confirmed several areas of periodontitis around the previous dental implants and right mastoid inflammation. A barium swallow and fibre-optic endoscopy also revealed a small sliding hiatus hernia and distal chronic oesophageal inflammation. Despite complete dental curettage, antibiotics and antigastro-oesophageal reflux therapy, only partial relief of the pain and incomplete resolution of the arrhythmic disorder were obtained after 3 weeks, and the patient underwent pacemaker implantation. At 1-month follow-up, however, he reported the complete relief of the throat pain; subsequent Holter monitoring showed normal sinus rhythm, without pacemaker-induced electrical activity.