232 asymptomatic HBsAg carriers were controlled between May/1986 and May/1990. The were detected in our blood bank between 1974 and 1976 or during pregnancy or delivery period after 1981. 23 of 232 (10%) became negative during the follow-up, this happening more frequently in carriers after 5 years of follow-up. Only 2 of 209 carriers with HBsAg were HBeAg positive and 1 of these was also DNA-VHB positive. None of the HBeAg negative carriers showed DNA-VHB; only 5 had increased transaminases. 7 were anti-VHC positive, these individuals experiencing more frequent increases in transaminases. The results of this study suggests that the determination of transaminases, viral activity markers, anti-HD, anti-VHC in HBsAg carriers are enough to identify those with hepatic disease.