To assess fetal right ventricular and hemodynamic responses to acute occlusion of the ductus arteriosus, the pulmonary pressure, right and left ventricular output, and right ventricular dimensions of five fetal lambs were measured with simultaneous echocardiographic monitoring. Ductal occlusion resulted in a rise in pulmonary arterial pressure, a decrease in right ventricular output of 68%, an increase in left ventricular output of 18%, and a fall in combined cardiac output of 34%. The right ventricular systolic dimension increased, and the shortening fraction decreased from 0.41 to 0.14. Tricuspid regurgitation started within two heartbeats after ductal occlusion and resolved as soon as the occlusion was released. Acute fetal ductal occlusion imposes a marked increase in the right ventricular afterload, resulting in reversible triscuspid regurgitation.