Background: The coronary anomalies are generally asymptomatic and rare. However, their potential complications are serious and mainly represented by the risk of sudden death. The coronarography appears insufficient to carry out the complete assessment of these anomalies, and in particular to study the arterial course. The endpoint of our series is to evaluate the interest of the coronary computed tomography (CT) in this indication.
Patients and methods: We report the results of a 16-slice coronary-CT monocentric retrospective series among 12 patients presenting coronary anomalies diagnosed in coronarography.
Results: Coronary-CT has confirmed the diagnosis, specified the coronary course and the relation with the great vessels in 100% of the cases.
Conclusions: Multislice coronary-CT seems an examination of choice for the diagnosis and the presurgical assessment of the coronary aberrations, like for the distinction of the benign and malign forms. Its effectiveness and its "non-invasive" character are strong arguments to include it in the assessment of syncopes linked to effort in the young adult.