Background: Only few reports are available on the use of aortic balloon catheter for cesarean hysterectomy in placenta previa percreta.
Case: A 32-year-old woman with placenta previa percreta underwent cesarean hysterectomy at 34 weeks of gestation. Before starting the surgery, an aortic occlusion balloon catheter (30 mm balloon, 5 Fr) was inserted. For total hysterectomy, the aortic balloon catheter was inflated and there was a sudden and dramatic reduction in blood loss, and the surgery was completed safely. An aortic occlusion was sustained for 80 min, with blood loss estimated at 3,200 ml. The postoperative course was uneventful. At 3 months after the operation, the mother and baby remained healthy.
Conclusion: An aortic balloon is rapidly and easily inserted, and is an option for major hemorrhage in placenta previa percreta.