In most of cases treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is not an issue. However, some 20% of patients complain of persisting symptoms despite IPP therapy. The reasons of this condition are still under studies. The most attention is paid to a nonacid reflux as a cause of these health discomforts. It is a type of GERD where pH of refluxate > 4.0. This group of patients can be selected thanks to a new diagnostic form, called multichannel intraluminal impedance. The correlation of symptoms, such as episodes of nonacid reflux, the mechanism of its genesis, and treatment potentials are still under persistent studies. It is too early a stage to jump into final conclusions. Researches that are carried on suggest that the main symptoms of this disease are regurgitations, chronic cough or other atypical symptoms. Thanks to the new diagnostic method, i.e., multichannel intraluminal impedance, and promising results of endoscopic and surgical treatments, a new solution of helping patients suffering with this disease is being introduced.