Although transcription factors of the basic helix-loop-helix family have been shown to regulate enhancers of lymphomagenic gammaretroviruses through E-box motifs, the overlap of an E-box motif (Egre) with the glucocorticoid response element (GRE) has obscured their function in vivo. We report here that Egre, but not the GRE, affects disease induction by the murine T-lymphomagenic SL3-3 virus. Mutating all three copies of Egre prolonged the tumor latency period from 60 to 109 days. Further mutating an E-box motif (Ea/s) outside the enhancer prolonged the latency period to 180 days, suggesting that Ea/s works as a backup site for Egre. While wild-type SL3-3 and GRE and Ea/s mutants exclusively induced T-cell lymphomas with wild-type latencies mainly of the CD4(+) CD8(-) phenotype, Egre as well as the Egre and Ea/s mutants induced B-cell lymphomas and myeloid leukemia in addition to T-cell lymphomas. T-cell lymphomas induced by the two Egre mutants had the same phenotype as those induced by wild-type SL3-3, indicating the incomplete disruption of T-cell lymphomagenesis, which is in contrast to previous findings for a Runx site mutant of SL3-3. Mutating the Egre site or Egre and Ea/s triggered several tumor phenotype-associated secondary enhancer changes encompassing neighboring sites, none of which led to the regeneration of an E-box motif. Taken together, our results demonstrate a role for the E-box but not the GRE in T lymphomagenesis by SL3-3, unveil an inherent broader disease specificity of the virus, and strengthen the notion of selection for more potent enhancer variants of mutated viruses during tumor development.