In adult albino (SD) and pigmented (PVG) rats the entire population of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) was quantified and their spatial distribution analyzed using a computerized technique. RGCs were back-labelled from the optic nerves (ON) or the superior colliculi (SCi) with Fluorogold (FG). Numbers of RGCs labelled from the ON [SD: 82,818+/-3,949, n=27; PVG: 89,241+/-3,576, n=6) were comparable to those labelled from the SCi [SD: 81,486+/-4,340, n=37; PVG: 87,229+/-3,199; n=59]. Detailed methodology to provide cell density information at small scales demonstrated the presence of a horizontal region in the dorsal retina with highest densities, resembling a visual streak.