A 5005bp rrn DNA sequence of "Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus" was obtained by PCR using primers conserved to Rhizobiaceae of alpha-proteobacteria. The rrn locus consisted of a 16S rRNA gene (rrs), an intergenic transcribed spacer (ITS) containing two genes of tRNA(Ile) and tRNA(Ala), a 23S rRNA gene (rrl), an ITS without tRNA gene and a 5S rRNA gene (rrf). Like rrs, rrl and rrf were also related (89-90%) to those of the members of Rhizobiaceae. Interestingly, the genes of tRNA(Ile) and tRNA(Ala) were more related to those of non-Rhizobiaceae alpha-proteobacteria. The non-tRNA gene regions of the 16S-23S ITS and 23S-5S rRNA ITS did not share significant similarity to any known non-Liberibacter DNA sequences, and could be used for specific and efficient detection of "Ca. L. asiaticus".