A computational method for estimating specific activity of chitin decomposition by microorganisms is proposed. Spectrophotometric and gas chromatographic methods have been used to determine the rates of chitinase production, biomass accumulation, and carbon dioxide emission by pure cultures of microorganisms grown on a chitin-containing medium. Among dominants of the chitinolytic community of chernozem (Trichoderma viride, Stretomyces albolongus, Alcaligenes, and Arthrobacter), the highest chitinolytic activity is characteristic of prokaryotes. In brown desert-steppe soil, the main destructor prokaryotes are actinomycetes (S. roseolilacinus). The biomass of the fungus T. viride growth on the chitin-containing medium markedly exceeds that of prokaryotes, but the specific activity of respiration and chitinase production in actinomycetes S. roseolilacinus and S. albolongus is an order of magnitude higher than in T. viride.