Unilateral denervated myocutaneous island flaps based on the superior epigastric vessels were raised in 24 pigs and the metabolic changes during the first 6 postoperative hours were monitored. Secondary to flap elevation, decreased arteriovenous (A-V) differences in oxygen, glucose, and alanine levels were observed, indicating the opening of A-V shunts and increased arterialization of the venous blood. Venous outflow increased during the first 3 hours, but the A-V differences in all metabolites were constant over the entire 6-hour observation period. Exchange of intermediary metabolites therefore increased within the first 3 hours, after which a steady state was established. The main flap fuels seemed to be fatty acids, muscle proteins, and glycogen, whereas blood-borne carbohydrates and ketone bodies played only a minor role as energy sources. Anaerobic metabolism was increased secondary to flap elevation from 2 to 6 percent as compared with preelevation values. No changes were found in concentrations of plasma catecholamines, which were constantly high. An average weight gain of 3 to 4 percent per hour was equally distributed to skin, subcutis, panniculus carnosus, and muscle. Thus the flap seemed to adapt to the new perfusion pattern within a few hours by a slightly increased anaerobic metabolism, but still with an oxidative metabolism of more than 90 percent.