Studies of speed, resolution, and selectivity have shown that packed column supercritical fluid chromatography (PCSFC) is a viable technique for the isocratic, isothermal and isobaric separation of seven anticonvulsants, viz., phenobarbitone, phenytoin sodium, phethenylate sodium, nitrazepam, clonazepam, carbamazepine, and primidone, and their simultaneous estimation. The drugs were eluted from a JASCO, RP-C(18) (250 x 4.6 mm) 10 micro packed column with a binary mobile phase of carbon dioxide and methanol, using ibuprofen as the internal standard. The effect of pressure, temperature, modifier concentration, and the rate of flow of CO(2) on retention and selectivity of all the analytes were studied and the parameters optimised. Without methanol in the mobile phase none of the solutes eluted. Changing modifier concentration was the most effective physical parameter for changing retention and selectivity. The analytes were detected using a UV detector at 215 nm. An arbitrary mixture of eight components was baseline resolved in approximately 7 min. The study includes a successful attempt at quantification of the drugs. Chromatographic and analytical figures of merit have been listed. The present work holds promise for a possible replacement of HPLC with SFC for the separation and assay of drugs of different families.