As a model system for intramolecular proton/hydrogen-transfer coordinates, the structure of 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid is investigated for the ground, first electronically excited and also the ionic state. Combined IR/UV spectroscopy in molecular-beam experiments is applied and the experimental results are interpreted by the application of DFT and CASPT2 methods. No proton or hydrogen transfer is observed, but evidence is given for a hydrogen dislocation of the intramolecular hydrogen bond in the S(1) state and to lesser extent in the D(0) state. To obtain direct information on the proton/hydrogen-transfer coordinate, IR spectra are recorded both in the region of the OH and especially the CO stretching vibrations by also applying two new variants of combined IR/UV spectroscopy for the S(1) and D(0) states. The CO groups are directly involved in the hydrogen bond and, in contrast to the hydrogen-bonded OH groups, the CO stretching frequencies can be observed in all electronic states.