Measurements of selected PCBs in open urban ambient air of Madrid (Spain): First results

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 1999;6(3):147-50. doi: 10.1007/BF02987618.


The focus of this study was to characterize the concentration levels of selected PCBs and compare them to compiled data in order to contribute to the international database. The sampling site is located in the outskirts of Madrid and can be considered an open urban area. 32 samples of air were taken from February 1998 to June 1998 by using a high volume air sampler. Glass fiber filters and polyurethane foam (PUF) were used to collect the paniculate and gas phase material, respectively. PUF plugs were Soxhlet extracted and filters were ultrasonically extracted by using pesticide-grade hexane and dichloromethane, respectively. The cleanup procedure was carried out on a florisil column with hexane and hexane/dichloromethane as elution solvents. GC/MS in a selected ion monitoring mode was used for quantification and 29 selected PCBs congeners were analyzed.