Background: Treatment adherence is influenced by factors like illness and patient characteristics, side effects, time taken to improve and the doctor-patient relationship. One of the important patient characteristic which has been reported to influence treatment adherence is their attitudes and beliefs towards medication.
Methodology: 50 subjects of first episode unipolar depression (except for severe depression with psychotic symptoms), aged 18-50 years, duration of depression of more than 1 month, with no comorbid psychiatric disorders and comorbid medical illnesses were assessed twice. At first intake, antidepressant compliance questionnaire (ADCQ) was administered. Second intake was done after 3 months for assessment of treatment adherence by using the questionnaire for assessment of treatment adherence.
Results: On component-1 of ADCQ (doctor-patient relationship), 92% agreed that doctor gave sufficient time to listen to their problem, explained the causes of depression sufficiently, felt confident that antidepressants are suitable treatment of their depression. On component-2 (preserved autonomy), most (88%) subjects believed that antidepressants are difficult to stop when taken over a long period of time and can alter patient's personality. On component-3 (positive beliefs on anti-depressants), 72% of the subjects felt, fewer tablets could be taken on days one feels better. On component-4 (partner agreement), 96% of subjects reported their partner's positive attitude towards diagnosis and treatment. At the time of second assessment, majority of the subjects (88%) missed the antidepressant medication on less than 25% days in the last 3 months whereas only 4% of the subjects missed antidepressants for more than 75% of the days. Thirty eight percent of the subjects dropped out of the follow up at 3 months of first assessment.
Conclusion: Most of the patients value the doctor-patient relationship & their partners are also supportive regarding diagnosis and treatment of depression. However, most patients have erroneous beliefs regarding antidepressants per se which in turn influence the drug compliance.