Objective: To analyze the clinical, radiological and pathological characteristics of idiopathic lymphoid interstitial pneumonia (idiopathic LIP) and to discuss its diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.
Methods: Respiratory physicians, pathologists and radiologists together retrospectively analyzed the clinical, chest roentgenogram, computerized tomography, pathological, diagnostic and therapeutic data of 3 patients with idiopathic LIP confirmed by lung biopsy, and reviewed the relevant literatures.
Results: The major symptoms of the 3 cases of idiopathic LIP were progressive dyspnea and dry cough. Higher levels of gamma-globulins in serum were found in all the cases. The characteristic radiographic manifestations were bilateral diffuse nodules and cysts. The pathologic feature was diffuse interstitial inflammation with polyclonal lymphocytes infiltration, especially with plasma lymphocytes. Corticosteroids and cytotoxic agents were used and good response to therapy was observed in the cases.
Conclusions: Idiopathic LIP has some characteristics on the clinical, radiological and pathological features, but the best diagnostic method depends on a clinical-radiological-pathological approach. The disease usually shows good response to combinative therapy of corticosteroids and cytotoxic agents.