The growing number of older adults with multiple healthcare needs underscores the importance of teaching gerontological content to students in healthcare fields. To effectively accomplish this educational goal, it is essential to consider students' attitudes and learning needs related to caring for elderly persons. The purpose of this study was to identify prelicensure undergraduate nursing students' (N=200) perceived learning needs and attitudes toward older adults. Current knowledge of gerontology and attitudes were correlated with multiple variables including comfort and confidence in caring for older persons. Students identified their desire for more information on selected topics such as supportive resources for elders and their caregivers. Students who intended to learn more about gerontological nursing chose more topics; the two most commonly chosen topics were end-of-life issues and specific disorders. The data from this study can be used to design courses and curricula related to the care of elderly persons. Similar approaches to obtain student input can be adopted in designing other gerontology curricula.