Two prophages, called varphiRSM3 and varphiRSM4, that are closely related to, but differ from, filamentous phage varphiRSM1, have been detected in strains of the Ralstonia solanacearum species complex. The prophage varphiRSM3, found in host strain MAFF730139, could be converted to infectious phage by means of PCR and transfection. The nucleotide sequence of varphiRSM3 is highly conserved relative to varphiRSM1 except for open reading frame 2 (ORF2), encoding an unknown protein, and ORF9 encoding the presumed adsorption protein that determines host range. The two host ranges differ dramatically and correlate closely with different gel electrophoresis banding patterns for cell surface fimbriae. Infections by varphiRSM1 and varphiRSM3 enhance bacterial cell aggregation and reduce the bacterial host virulence in tomato plants. Database searches in the R. solanacearum strains of known genomic sequence revealed two inovirus prophages, one designated varphiRSM4 that is homologous to varphiRSM1 and varphiRSM3, and one homologues to RSS1, in the genome of strain UW551.